Nomination Committee
The Nomination Committee is responsible for regularly reviewing the structure, size and composition of the Board, identifying and recommending appropriate candidates for membership of the Board when vacancies arise and ensuring that effective succession planning procedures are in place for senior roles.
Further details of the Committee’s responsibilities and activities during the year are set out in this year’s Annual Report. Committee membership is set out on the “Our Leadership” page.
Remuneration Committee
The Remuneration Committee is responsible for reviewing and recommending the framework and policy for remuneration of the Executive Directors and senior management, which the Board as a whole is responsible for approving. It is responsible for evaluating the performance and determining specific remuneration packages for the Executive Directors, the Chair, the Company Secretary and senior management. The fees of the Non-Executive Directors are determined by the Executive Directors together with the Chair.
Further details of the Committee’s responsibilities and activities during the year are set out in this year’s Annual Report. Committee membership is set out on the “Our Leadership” page.
Audit & Risk Committee
The Audit & Risk Committee is responsible for reviewing, on behalf of the Board, the Group’s accounting and financial policies, its disclosure practices, internal controls, internal audit and risk management. It is responsible for overseeing all matters associated with the appointment, terms, remuneration and performance of the External Auditor and for reviewing the scope and results of the audit and its cost-effectiveness.
Further details of the Committee’s responsibilities and activities during the year are set out in this year’s Annual Report. Committee membership is set out on the “Our Leadership” page.
Environment and Social Impact Committee
The ES Committee is responsible for approving the Group’s Environmental and Social Impact (“ES”) strategy and any related measures and performance targets. The Committee will monitor performance by the Group against its ES strategy and how the Group has regard to, engages with, reports to, and/or maintains its reputation with key stakeholders.
Further details of the Committee’s responsibilities and activities during the year will be set out in this year’s annual report. Committee membership is set out on the “Our Leadership” page.

Corporate Governance
The Board is committed to maintaining the highest standards of governance, understanding the role it plays in delivering long-term sustainable success for the Company.