Managing Our Impact

We have developed a new way of understanding our impacts, created a new framework including KPIs and targets, and are developing new governance structures.

Better for all – our Environmental Social and Governance framework

Better for all is our ESG framework. We have three focus areas which align to our corporate purpose, supported by targets that we have set


For everyone

Our impacts on people: Through our employees and the communities we serve.
This addresses our impact on people, through the products we sell, our employees’ safety and wellbeing and the communities that we serve.

For life

Our environmental impacts: On the atmosphere, the earth and the oceans.
This addresses our environmental impacts on the atmosphere through our carbon emissions and air quality impacts; on the earth through the sourcing decisions we make and the way we manage waste and packaging; and on the oceans through our use of water and the impact of our products..

For good

Our behaviours as a business: How we buy, sell and operate through our value chain for future resilience and growth.
This addresses how we behave as a business and the decisions we make, including the way we market and sell our products, our management of our supply chain, ESG and corporate governance


Materiality is an important part of engaging with our stakeholders and ensuring that their concerns are reflected in our approach to sustainability, the issues we focus on and the goals we set.
In FY22 we carried out a materiality review to understand our most important social and environmental impacts, and how different stakeholder groups – customers, consumers, suppliers, employees and investors – viewed these impacts. The insights from the materiality analysis have informed our ESG strategy, KPIs and targets, and will continue to shape our activities at a global and country level.


Responsibility for our environmental and social impact sits at the Board and leadership level. The Executive Leadership Team is responsible for approving the strategy, and monitoring our progress towards our ESG KPIs.

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